
Synwin is now in Marina Square

December 21, 2009 - -

with the effect of 15 December 2009.

Catch them at Marina Square #03-117/118/119 (above ZARA).

They are also on Facebook! Just do a search!

Merry Xmas

December 20, 2009 - -

Season Greetings to all.

As usual this is the best time of the year. No snow in Singapore, but it's always a good time to travel around and enjoy the year end breeze, slack around or somewhat.

Cheers to all, and enjoy your holidays before the 2010 comes.


Joshua @ Goodwood Park Hotel

December 3, 2009 - - is performing!

Date: 24-28th December and
every sat & sun of December 2009;
Time: 2.15-5pm
Location: Hotel Lobby

He says: come and have high-tea with your family & friends

Take 5 has an upcoming performance

December 1, 2009 - -

Catch the Quintet at 6 Dec 2009, 7:30pm, Esplanade Recital Studio

Interested in Leisure Violin?

November 12, 2009 - -

Christmas is coming. Wanna learn some christmas songs and share your joy during this special period of the year?

Enquire here! @ Leisure Violin (Themed)

Musician Network

August 20, 2009 - -

I am currently looking for fellow musicians to form a musician network. I welcome everyone as long as you can play/perform/teach a music instrument well enough. This is so that we can expand the music network and provide music services to those who are interested and reduce the number of times we would have to say "No".
Q: So what do i do with the contacts?
A: I will contact you if I felt that there is something for you. Basically I would act as a hub to bring requests to someone suitable.
Eg. If you are a fellow teacher and I have an enquiry for a student located further from my area, I will refer him/her to you. Similarly - if you take up performance, i would contact you if i felt that there is an event that we would be able to work well together.

I can also arrange for them if they are interested and there is match for MEP within the musician network.

If interested, please fill in the form as below.

This service is provided free. If you insist that there is no such things as free, maybe you would just want to refer my website somewhere. Thanks :)

Happy Father's Day

June 21, 2009 - -

I want to wish all fathers out there a very Happy Father's Day.

One thing that i realise is that a lot of people always thought that Father's Day is on the 2nd Sunday of June. That is one big mistake... It's on the 3rd Sunday of June ok? Note it down and don't get it wrong anymore!

Guitaresque's Performance

June 7, 2009 - -

Guitaresque is
Singapore-based non-professional classical guitar quartet performing. Catch Shu Hann, Ivan, Alex and Kevin perfom in the following event:

4th July 2009
(Saturday), Library@Esplanade

For details check out:


May 20, 2009 - -

What is rosin?
Rosin is a need for bowed instruments. It is a transparent yellowish / blackish piece of "chalk" applied to the bow to introduce friction when the bow is played on the strings.

When to apply rosin?
When you feel that the bow produced very soft or faint notes, even when you applied pressure.

Rub full bow to rosin evenly, from frog to tip and tip to frog. Repeat.

*It is important is that one should not touch the bow hair or the chalky left over on the violin.*

Simple equation: Rosin + Moisture = Non-removable sticky yellowish product.
This product, if found on your bow would spoil your bow as the affected area would no longer produce the best results when played.

Clean the white chalky substance found on the violin after practices and do not touch the bow hair with your hands, even if they are dry. (Anyway, you are suppose to deal with the violin only with dry hands). Of course, the rosin itself (also the violin), should be kept at a dry and good consistent temperature.

Cafe Diplo Concert

May 16, 2009 - -

Happy Mother's Day

May 10, 2009 - -

I want to wish all mothers a very Happy Mother's Day. Mother's deserve this special dedication.

But did you know how Mother's Day came about?
The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor their mother, and it's now celebrated on various days in many places around the world. In 1912, Anna Jarvis trademarked the phrases "second Sunday in May" and "Mother's Day", and created the Mother's Day International Association.


May 8, 2009 - -

What are the strings on the violin?
There are four strings on the violin, namely "G", "D", "A", "E" from thickest to thinnest, where "A" = 440 Hz.

Pitch Range?
From G3 (G below middle C) to C8 (the highest note of the modern piano.)

Various types of metals. Of course, better metal would cost more.

Price range?
They are normally sold in a set from approximately $5 to $50. I use the $50 strings and i have a set of $5 string for spare, in case of emergency.

Buying a Violin

May 1, 2009 - -

There is a lot to consider when buying a violin. A summary is as follows.

1) Budget.
There are many factors affecting the price of a violin. Eg. Material, craftsmanship, origin. A beginner should be able to get a student violin under $200.

2) Size.
I think many do not know, but violin comes in different sizes. From 1/32 to 4/4 (Adult size). It is necessary to have violins of different sizes to cater for users of different built. The height of the user varies accordingly to the user's arms length. And yes, if you grow, you have to change your violin.

3) Looks and finishing.
You might not know, but the best looking violin with cool colours and thick vanish may not be able to produce it's best sound. Plastic coats would restrict the violin to produce a clear, loud and crisp quality of a music piece. Do also note the material -wood. It should look normal, with no holes and no gaps between the joints.

4) Fine tuners.
Someone did tell me before that the lesser the fine tuners there is on a violin, the better the violin is. He is somehow right. But i guess he do not know the reason. It is because that a good violin would not go out of tune easily, so there would be no need to do any frequent / major tuning. (I mean it will not go out of tune that often). There would most probably be only a fine tuner needed on the "E" string as it is thin and hence easy to break when not handled with care.

5) Shoulder rest.
It is an additional piece that is highly recommended for beginners to allow them to maintain the violin at a horizontal level - projects the sound effectively. However, do note that as the shoulder rests would need to grip at 4 locations on your violin with it's rubbered leg. It would affect a minor bit on the sound quality. Also, do remember to get one with the correct size for your violin.

You need a violinist?

April 10, 2009 - -

Yes.. we are doing events now. We are exploring on how we can serve you better, that's why we are trying it out.

Do you need a violinist/duet/band for your event?

Feel free to drop us an enquiry @ Performing

Musician Exchange Programme

April 1, 2009 - -

If you are a musician, interested to learn / find out more about violin, you might be interested in the Musician Exchange Programme (MEP)!

The MEP is a program where musicians will exchange their knowledge about what they know and the other party would benefit, and vice versa.

In other words A would share with B what A knows, and B will share with A what B knows.

Interested? Contact us here @ MEP.

Music Theory Crash Course

March 9, 2009 - -

We are introducing the Music Theory Crash Course which covers the syllabus from Grade 1 to 5 theory. It is not just making you attempt the theory books that you can buy from major music stores - we are currently researching and working to produce our own sets of theory assessments.

Q: What is a crash course?

A: A crash course is a condensed version of a particular course. In this case we are talking about the music theory package that covers from Grade 1 to Grade 5 music theory.

Q: Why do we need the crash course?

A: As Candidates are required to pass the Grade 5 Theory or Grade 5 Practical Musicianship or Grade 5 Jazz in order to progress to practical exams at Grades 6, 7 and 8. This is targeted at music students who has taken up practical lessons without compulsory theory exams at the lower grades.

Q: Why do you write your own theory assessments?
A: This is necessary in order to produce a version which is suitable our targeted customers - who will most likely feel that colouring and drawing lines to match the correct answers something not suitable for them. We are also targeting to produce this as a e-learning package some time later so that users can learn music theory at their own free time.

Q: So how long do we need to cover the crash course?
A: This usually depends on individuals (which can range from the age of 10 to 88). It can range from anywhere from two months to a year.

Sign up here now! @ Music Theory Crash Course

Wanna surprise your another half?

February 8, 2009 - -

Valentine's Day is coming. Have you ever wondered what to buy for him/her on this annual event?

Let me suggest... Why not surprise him/her with one or two romantic piece(s) and drown him/her with your feelings expressed within that song?

I am offering an express course for this upcoming special day of the year. T&C applies. Feel free to enquire @ Leisure Violin (Themed)

Happy Niu Year

January 26, 2009 - -

Wishing all a very Happy Lunar New Year! Happy holidays! 

de Boutique band @ sgWedEx

January 15, 2009 - -

Catch de Boutique band will be performing at the Singapore Wedding Exhibition.

Details as follows:
20~22nd Feb 2009
3 to 5 pm
Singapore Expo Hall 6
Admission free of Charge